User wants to modify the title "俄罗斯预科证丢了" to be more appropriate. They request: 1. Do not change the sequence if it is already appropriate. 2. Ensure the integrity of the original title meaning when making changes. 3. Please directly return the title, and they will directly use the complete content as the title without any other content. Do not include 'the modified title' or other content. 4. Use Chinese and do not exceed 30 characters.俄罗斯预科证丢失
发布:2024-03-27 07:00:18 分类:留学知识 点击:1000 作者:管理员
- 证件是两年前申请时办的,一直保存在抽屉里。
- 最近找出来准备办签证,结果发现证件不见了。
- 问了同学们,有人建议去警局报案,但又担心会耽误时间。
- 想问问大家,这种情况应该怎么处理比较好?