

In recent years, with the increasing communication between China and Russia, more and more Chinese students have chosen to study in Russia. As a famous research institution in the field of biochemistry in Russia, the Far Eastern Institute of Biochemistry has its own requirements for the English proficiency of international students.

First of all, the Institute requires that international students must have a basic knowledge of English. In order to ensure the communication between students and teachers, students must have at least a certain level of English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Therefore, students should pass certain English language tests when applying for admission, and these tests are designed to guarantee the basic English ability of students.

Secondly, the Institute hopes that international students can master professional English. Biochemistry is a professional field with a high degree of specialization. Professional knowledge not only requires students to learn the theories and methods of biochemistry, but also requires a deep understanding of professional vocabulary and terminology. Therefore, the Institute encourages international students to participate in professional English training courses and activities, so that they can master biochemistry knowledge and terminology.

In addition, the Institute attaches great importance to the development of international students' English communication skills, which is important for them to present their research work in academic conferences, to communicate effectively with colleagues, and to express their opinions and ideas accurately. Therefore, the Institute provides a variety of English activities, such as English debates, English speeches and English corner, for international students to improve their English communication skills.

Finally, the Institute also provides a platform for international students to practice their listening and speaking skills. Through the interaction with the local people and the use of Internet resources, international students can communicate with others in English, thus improving their ability to understand different English accents and to express themselves fluently.

To sum up, the Far Eastern Institute of Biochemistry attaches great importance to the English proficiency of international students. The Institute hopes that international students not only have basic English ability, but also have professional English proficiency, good English communication skills and the ability to adapt to different English accents. The Institute provides a variety of English activities and platforms for international students to improve their English proficiency and to better adapt to academic work and life in Russia.






今日剩余名额: 11

