求一份study plan

求一份study plan,一、求一份study planPurpose of Study 2. Specific field of interest 3. The subject of study and the research p

本文标题:求一份study plan,在当今社会,留学已经成为了大家深造的首选方式。无论是本科生、硕博研究生,甚至是中小学生,都想尽早地接收西方发达国家的留学教育,其中很多同学十分关注“求一份study plan”相关的问题,为此环俄小编整理了《求一份study plan》,欢迎您阅读!若有任何疑问,欢迎您随时联系我们的在线顾问,我们会为您进行专业的1对1答疑!

一、求一份study plan

Purpose of Study
2. Specific field of interest
3. The subject of study and the research plan
4. Academic achievements including research and dissertation and records of winning a prize

二、签证材料Study Plan一般写多少字



1、 简单说明自习经历专业背景及工作经历;
2、 说明自进步求机及选择该、该与该专业;
3、 详细留间安排;
5、 未职业目标阐述留理由


由于使馆工作员每要处理量文件习计划书切写太般应超800字并且说明问题用段落段落前加标题 My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada ,My career objective 等便使馆工作员您段内容思想目您阐述应该非清晰易读能希望让使馆工作员您文字挖掘您潜内容



三、请大家帮忙给篇study plan的英文作文~~ 80~100字左右 谢谢!~


 I will try my best to study subjects,i will correct my faults and put down my mostly heart to the next turn.study is my most important things,i must know.

  I'm an active,lovely and clever girl.In the school,my favourite subject is maths.Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well.But I like it.I belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.

  The new term was begin, but it is my first year in my High school life. I think it'll be very interesting and busy.

  During the first year, I must do more exersices on my English. Because I very like study enlish. Not only I must work hard on my English, But also I must work hard on my other subjects. They are all very important.

  I hope I can enjoy myself in the first year, and have a good grades!

二:I am a student .I am weak in English.And most students in my class are good at English.So I have to improve my English and catch up them.I make a English Study Plan.Firstly,I will spend 20 minutes remembering words every day.I find that I only remember a small number of words. Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in class.And I will do the homework every day.Of course,listening to the English tapes every day is necessary.Sometimes I will read some English writings. Thirdly,I will often use English and communcate with classmates in English.Every Sunday,I will learn English on the Internet. This is my plan。
xie bai

四、大伙都是怎么写Study Plan的

1 你被什么学校录取,什么专业,读几年
2 为什么到该国家留学
3 最重要的,你毕业以后无论什么打算,在study plan上都要写你回国,并且回国的理由(比如:照顾父母,继承家业)

五、Study Plan 出国留学学习计划书

很好,就是有点长。因为签证的学习计划要比申请留学的计划稍微短一点,而且不要太专业化,毕竟不是申请给大学academic staff看,而是给签证官看。一张A4的内容就够了。主要强调所去的学校的专业正是自己的研究领域,而国内没有比所去的学校更适合的专业。其次一点是强调学成之后,一定会回到中国,因为这里有更好的发展机会,或者更好的职业。可以加上因为我有足够的资金或者奖学金,所以费用并不是我所考虑的问题。
Study Plan for Visa Application
My study plan is to pursue a Ph.D. at the x x x University in Canada concentrating on the discipline of robotics. This is a natural progression for me, because I already possess a BA and an MA both related to control, computer science and robotics research. Further evidence of my consistent commitment to and expertise in my chosen field is my position as a Research Assistant for the xxx Mobile Robots (THMR) Laboratory. Now, after dedicating eight years towards fulfilling my objective of becoming a fully-fledged authority on robotics, I feel well prepared for a doctoral program on the topic. Xxx University offers me the best possible opportunities to acquire leading edge knowledge and later contribute to robotics advancements in China.

Why come to Canada to study in Robotics at x x x University?

I selected Xxx University because its research focus, facilities and professors are absolutely ideal to help me meet my precise goals. My choice was made after comparing and contrasting carefully several different engineering schools. While many universities conduct investigations into robotic theories, this institution’s Faculty of Engineering’s specialist trait is research into robots used in industry. Not only will I be acquiring practical knowledge in my specific field, I will also be gaining expertise that is in great demand by industrial sectors in China. Additionally, I am attracted to the fact that the Faculty of Engineering holds strong ties with industrial organizations including the C-CORE. The Faculty partners provide substantial funding, advanced facilities and suitable test environments for research into robots. Furthermore, the PhD supervisors are C-CORE Chairs in intelligent systems, which indicates that experts with extensive and pioneering knowledge will appropriately guide my research and use me for excellent projects. I also chose these professors because not only will I be expected to study my particular area, I additionally must acquire a broad education regarding the theory and application of many kinds of robots. Therefore, as I learn widely about ground robots, underground robots and group robots, I will be supervised capably on my area of infrastructure-free mobile robots.

Why not pursue less expensive alternatives in China?

Of course, to obtain a PhD in China was my first preference because it is my home. I therefore considered applying for the doctoral program at x x x University in China, especially as I have worked there and it is the leading university in China regarding this subject. However, while China is cheaper than Canada, the issue of cost did not determine my choice of university. Due to my knowledge and skills, the x x x University in Canada is offering me the necessary financial assistance to fully cover tuition and living expenses. Most important for me was the right research environment. Sadly, China is not the best option presently. I know from first hand experience that while x x x University has the broadest robots research in China, it mainly focuses on ground level single robots and I already have considerable knowledge of this area. Plus there is the key fact that most of the leading robot professionals in China were trained in the west. They left China because western countries still hold the finest technology and preeminent teaching. Like them, I wish to benefit from a North American education and put it to good use upon my return to China.

What is my overall educational objective?

My overall educational objective is to use the PhD as a vehicle to become a world-class specialist in robotics, especially underground robots. Exposure now to cutting edge technological breakthroughs and participation in advanced projects would prepare me for a brilliant long-term career in China. I will furthermore use my education to help China integrate itself with the global academic environment, because I will present papers at seminars and international conferences.

How will this Canadian degree increase my chances in the Chinese labor market?

My prospects in the Chinese labor market would be extraordinary after acquisition of a PhD in robotics. Robots are vital technological tools for Chinese industries and manufacturing, which must upgrade their automation features to keep pace with international standards. To give one example, China is investing billions in city subways, and underground robots inevitably will play an important role in their construction. Because China’s requirements for robot experts greatly exceeds the number of talented professionals, those in possession of the information on the latest international developments and skills applicable to handle projects at the most challenging level will be in great demand. Furthermore, aside from hands-on knowledge, what I would offer an employer was evidence that I had acquired new concepts, a fresh mindset, the ability to conduct senior level independent research and a broad international perspective. My competitors – PhD holders from Chinese universities - would be able to make less impressive claims in these areas. Additionally, the Chinese government encourages returnees with preferential policies, such as ample funds for research and favorable conditions for establishing businesses. I can state with confidence that the Canadian degree would open doors for me – to construction enterprises, research institutions and multinational companies. In China, they all would view me as a precious potential member of their personnel. A PhD holder from a western country is seen as having a positive impact to play in the development of a domestic organization, not just in their specific job but also their approach to work. PhD holding returnees are valued as being cooperative team workers, forward thinking and highly proactive when faced with challenges.

What ties do I have to China that will lead me to return to China following my course of study?

I hold plans regarding how I aim to use my degree in the long-term when I return to China, and have already secured backing from family and colleagues to facilitate their realization. Those plans include using my research findings to establish my own robotics high technology company, with the help of my father and a professor at x x x University. My father is an official with extensive connections, and he is in a position to provide his full support in R & D financing and market development. Through him, I can navigate my way through red tape and meet the people with the knowledge regarding potential business. With regard to the professor, he is my former advisor and my current employer, so we know each other well and have a proven fruitful relationship. He has a track record of completing many successful projects for Chinese enterprises, such as the x x x Construction Machinery Group and the x x x Group, and maintains close ties with them, so the likelihood is our reputation will bring good clients. Alternatively, I will return to x x x University after my degree in Canada, because my ties to this top university are strong. My advisor has said I would be welcome to return, and my target would be to set up a new robot research center at the university. This is entirely feasible due to my contacts. With my advisor’s support, the center would attract research funds from leading organizations.

In short, the PhD program at Canada’s x x x University serves all of my important short, medium and long-term goals. I will invest all my efforts in research, and then return to China for an exciting career.

结语:亲爱的准留学生们,以上便是环俄小编为您整理的《求一份study plan》一文,感谢您的阅读。若您仍然没有找到所需要的信息,请随时联系我们的在线顾问获取最专业、最准确的一对一答疑咨询,不仅可以为您节省宝贵的时间,也能有效避免因遗漏信息而与心仪的高校失之交臂,环俄留学祝您留学事宜一切顺利!






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