怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?,一、怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?建议你自己写,注意以下几点1 你被什么学校录取,什么专业,读几年2 为什么到该国家留学3 最重要的,你毕业以后无论什么打算,在study plan上都要写你回国,并且回国的理由(比如:照顾父母,继承家业)模版可以参考格式和写法,但是一定要有自己的东西,study

本文标题:怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?,在当今社会,留学已经成为了大家深造的首选方式。无论是本科生、硕博研究生,甚至是中小学生,都想尽早地接收西方发达国家的留学教育,其中很多同学十分关注“怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?”相关的问题,为此环俄小编整理了《怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?》,欢迎您阅读!若有任何疑问,欢迎您随时联系我们的在线顾问,我们会为您进行专业的1对1答疑!

一、怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?

1 你被什么学校录取,什么专业,读几年
2 为什么到该国家留学
3 最重要的,你毕业以后无论什么打算,在study plan上都要写你回国,并且回国的理由(比如:照顾父母,继承家业)
模版可以参考格式和写法,但是一定要有自己的东西,study plan的目的在于展示你现有的研究成绩和能力以及预从事的研究方向,另外还有完成研究的有利条件。每个人千差万别,要根据自己的实际情况和申请方向、指导教授来写,套路可以用模版的,祝你好运!

二、有专门写personal statement和study plan的吗?

wordsunny ,可以根据自己的实际情况进行苟免。
When we have task,

三、study plan

Learning Plan
My name is XXX, is a Chinese girl, 198X in August X was born in Fujian. From 2004 to 2007 in the XXXX secondary high school, after graduating from Hungary to the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL BUDAPEST study. As the school a short time <3-4 hours per day>, a few schools to use English, it makes my English improved very slowly, so I chose to study Britain.
Britain is the first English-language countries, which first gave me a greater opportunity to learn English, let me both in learning and in life can improve their standard of English knowledge.
XX university to choose, is beyond compare schools with a number of decisions, etc. The university speaking English, which for me is a challenge, but I believe that my efforts will not spend too much time to overcome It. I plan to read here that the first year of matriculation, and then university, I started to X for a period of X years of professional study.
I am pleased to be able to receive the University gave me a notice, giving me the opportunity to become a member of, I believe it is appropriate for me to study a university. Not only because of the students in the class, but also because the university teachers are excellent, with all the students get along well. I pay attention to the professional practice of social skills, which will give me the opportunity to learn more. We provide the school with the other countries of the platform for the exchange of students, which will enable us to stimulate more and more challenging, but also for our future work and study there to help. In the UK to learn, so I can have a better understanding of Western life and learning, a good atmosphere and friendly people are attracted me to study here.
But I must say that my parents and I can provide income in the United Kingdom at the University of costs <concrete proof, I can see the material>, so that I can not make work more reassuring to learn that when I graduated, be able to To return to my country to do something to contribute.
Thank you, you can look at my application and I hope you also give me an opportunity to learn from your country!
Study Plan
My name is ,,, I am a Chinese girl.Also, I was born on ,th,August,198,.I leant at ,,,, senior high school from 2004 to 2007.After graduation from that school,I continued to learn at INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL BUDAPEST in Hungary.As the transient learning time of the school <three or four class-times for each day> ,and the limited chance of using English out of school, my ability of English is enhanced quite slowly.Therefore, I choose to learn in Great Britain.
Britain is a nation where English is spoken as native language.Firstly, it provides an environment where I can have more chances to learn English.Also, it made me enchance my ability of English both in study and daily life.
I chose this university after comparison with sereval other universities since the lessons can be made in English there.Although,that is a challenge for me ,I believe I can defeat it by my endeavor with no long time.My plan is to learn the preparatory in the first year,then, I go to the university and begin the learning life in the major of.. during the next ..years.
I am so happy to get the offer of this university which made me have the chance to be a member of them.I believe that is an university which suits me not only because of the classmates in our class but also the excellent teachers who can live in harmony with students.Moreover, it could provide more chances for me to learn by virtue of the attachment to the ability of social practice.On one hand, our universiy provides a nice platform for us to communicate with the students from other nations.It will make our learning life more exciting and challenging.On the other hand, it is very helpful to my study and work.Especially, it can make me understand the study ,work and life of western nations if I learn in Britain.Batter atmosphere and friendly people are the reasons why I was attracked to learn there.
Also, what I want to say is that the income of my parents can afford the feas of Britain University<Specified verification has been shown in my material>,therefore,I can focus on daily study without looking for part-time job.Above all, I can contribute my best ability to my motherland's construction after my graduation in future.
Thank you so much for checking my application.I am looking forward to the chance to learn in your nation!

四、我要去加拿大上大学,学校给办的签证,大使馆叫我们写study plan,别随便复制过来的,中文即可 谢谢!

加拿大的签证是不需要人去的,递资料就可以了,至于study plan主要是要你写你去哪里读大学,大概读多久,(注意这里写的要也你递送资料的大学相符)规划是什么,主要你要写你会回国,你为什么会回国,要看起来没有移民倾向。
你可以说你计划4年修完20个学分,第一年因为英语基础没有那么好,所以慢慢修,fall and winter修3个或3.5个学分(就是6到7门课),春假修1个学分(两门课)。暑假休息或者回国。千万别说你要休息时打工~~~他们可不喜欢你去加拿大挣他们的钱。第二学年,因为英语到达一定基础,大二的课也不是很难,所以修5个学分(10门课),春假修2分(4门课),暑假休息。这样你就修完11.5个学分了。大3,大4的可会比较难,大三你还可以修5分,春假修1分,因为还要考虑到你可能retake的课,所以这个春假时间给的宽裕点。大4就把剩下的学分都修完呗~~~最重要的就是最后你得说,你修完这些课以后就要回国,然后找个原因你为什么回国~~end
不要抄或改别人的 那样对签证没好处 还是自己写得好 至少不会和别人的出入不大 使馆也好通过的

五、Engling study plan怎么写

结语:亲爱的准留学生们,以上便是环俄小编为您整理的《怎么写"STUDY PLAN"?》一文,感谢您的阅读。若您仍然没有找到所需要的信息,请随时联系我们的在线顾问获取最专业、最准确的一对一答疑咨询,不仅可以为您节省宝贵的时间,也能有效避免因遗漏信息而与心仪的高校失之交臂,环俄留学祝您留学事宜一切顺利!






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