My English study plan

My English study plan,一、My English study planevery day i recite 10 words, and read loudly in the morning.after school ,i will finish my homework on time.if i have some questions, i s

本文标题:My English study plan,在当今社会,留学已经成为了大家深造的首选方式。无论是本科生、硕博研究生,甚至是中小学生,都想尽早地接收西方发达国家的留学教育,其中很多同学十分关注“My English study plan”相关的问题,为此环俄小编整理了《My English study plan》,欢迎您阅读!若有任何疑问,欢迎您随时联系我们的在线顾问,我们会为您进行专业的1对1答疑!

一、My English study plan

every day i recite 10 words, and read loudly in the morning.
after school ,i will finish my homework on time.
if i have some questions, i should ask my english teacher .
in a word,i should be hard working and do what i said. english is remembering and practice.we know practice makes perfect.

二、请你们帮我看一下我的study plan 是中文的。


”本来想在北京学研究生但是钱也没了奖学金也得不到所以就回泰国。找工作赚钱,但找了办年也找 不到所以就在家开了小商店到现在。真的很可惜去北京学汉语了好久但我的工作跟说中文一点儿关系都没有。因为我想当大学的老师但是他有一个条件就是我的专业要是中文还有要是研究生毕业所以我就必须继续学习。“

三、为了提高我们学习英语的能力,请以an english study plan为题写一篇

An English Study Plan
As we all know,english becomes more and more important nowdays,so it is important for us to learn english well.First of all,we should improve our listenning by listenning more english songs and watch more english movies.Then,we can practice our speaking by speaking english with others more and more,especially native speakers.Besides,we should take writing seriously when we learn english,so we can write our dairy in english to practice our writing.As old saying goes,'practice makes perfect'.Everyone can learn english well by working hard.

四、给我一篇八上英语作文《My English Study Plan》的范文(80词左右)

For studying well,I decide to draw up some plans to study .
It said that If a proper balance is struck between work and rest, the quality of education will go up, not down.I should arrange for study time.I will apply myself to learning .After-class time,I will do exercise in the open air.I hope my English will become better and better.I am sure i can do it.


五、study plan 需要写出修的具体课程吗

  不需要的,但如果能提供一份合理的、符合逻辑的学习计划,对签证通过是很有帮助的。  一个人如果想出国旅行、定居或者留学、结婚等,除了需要持有护照以外,还应该持有相应的签证。护照是持有者的国籍和身份证明,签证则是主权国家准许外国公民或者本国公民出入境或者经过国境的许可证明。  签证一般都签注在护照上,也有的签注在代替护照的其他旅行证件上,有的还颁发另纸签证。如美国和加拿大的移民签证是一张A4大的纸张,新加坡对外国人也发一种另纸签证,签证一般来说须与护照同时使用,方有效力。

结语:亲爱的准留学生们,以上便是环俄小编为您整理的《My English study plan》一文,感谢您的阅读。若您仍然没有找到所需要的信息,请随时联系我们的在线顾问获取最专业、最准确的一对一答疑咨询,不仅可以为您节省宝贵的时间,也能有效避免因遗漏信息而与心仪的高校失之交臂,环俄留学祝您留学事宜一切顺利!






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