发布:2020-05-04 22:07:24 分类:问答精选 点击:2538 作者:环俄小编
听说澳门有个大学开了个烘焙我专业,是什么大学?随便问下澳门大学的学费是多少。,全文导读本文共收集了《1. 听说澳门有个大学开了个烘焙我专业,是什么大学?随便问下澳门大学的学费是多少。》、《2. 持续进修发展计划 如何交澳门大学学费》、《3. 澳门有哪些高中?》、《4. 澳门科技大学研究生学费可以贷款吗?》、《5. 说说居住证有哪些让你非办不可的理由?》、《6. 英国标志性的大学英文介绍有中午翻译
本文共收集了《1. 听说澳门有个大学开了个烘焙我专业,是什么大学?随便问下澳门大学的学费是多少。》、《2. 持续进修发展计划 如何交澳门大学学费》、《3. 澳门有哪些高中?》、《4. 澳门科技大学研究生学费可以贷款吗?》、《5. 说说居住证有哪些让你非办不可的理由?》、《6. 英国标志性的大学英文介绍有中午翻译》、《7. 英国牛津大学中英文对照简介》、《8. 英文介绍英国著名景点,最好有中文翻译,谢谢》、《9. 个人简介,要求用英文写,(寄给英国大学的)!跪求!!!!》、《10. 急需英国布里斯托大学的背景介绍,要英文的》、共计10篇观点性文章及对应的评论供您参阅。
观点二、持续进修发展计划 如何交澳门大学学费
还有如果你想读书 除非你有澳copy门的身份 不然就学生签证
一、学生必须符合 有关赴澳门就读的规定;
二等奖学金:每人可获得16万港币,共20个名额,从应届高考成绩达该省/市一本线但未 超出30分的考生中选取。
#2016年东营市黄河路派出所#非办不可的理由:孩子在本地上学需要居住证买车落户需要居住证不少单位考试需要居住证为了在东营生活的方便,还是办理居住证比较好办理东营居住证攻略:2016年为了买车在东营落户,所以办理了自己的居住证,为了方便大家现在做一个办理的流程:申领居住证(派出所受理、分县局签发、省厅制证,15个工作日)(一)居住证申领条件。流动人口离开常住户口所在地到居住地设区市市区或者县(市)内居住半年以上,并同时符合有合法稳定就业、合法稳定住所、连续就读条件之一的,可以依照规定申领居住证。其中,居住半年以上,是指在居住地居住并在公安机关办理居住登记满半年。合法稳定就业,是指被国家机关、社会团体、事业单位录用(聘用),或者被国家机关、社会团体、企事业单位招收并依法签订劳动合同,或者在城镇从事第二、三产业并持有工商营业执照等e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333365653761。合法稳定住所,是指公民在居住地实际居住具有合法所有权的房屋、在当地房管部门办理租赁登记备案的房屋、用人单位或就读学校提供的宿舍等。连续就读,是指在全日制小学、中学、中高等职业学校或普通高等学校取得学籍并就读。(二)申领居住证所需证明材料为:1、申请人、委托代理人居民身份证原件及复印件;2、已购买房屋证明、房屋租赁登记备案证明;3、与用人单位签订的劳动合同和参加社会保险的证明;4、在工商行政管理部门取得的工商营业执照;5、学生证、全日制学校出具的连续就读证明。上述2、3、4、5项只需提供其中材料之一即可。(三)申领居住证的程序:答:流动人口符合申领居住证条件的,持有本人居民身份证,并携带能够证明其在我市居住的房产证、购房合同、房屋租赁登记备案证明、用工单位相关证明、工商营业执照、连续就读证明等的其中任意一项证明材料,可到居住地公安派出所办理居住证。派出所工作人员受理后,为其打印《山东省居住证申领表》和《山东省居住证领取凭证》,由申请人签字确认后,将《山东省居住证领取凭证》交申请人。申请人自受理之日起15日后持领取凭证到派出所领取居住证。(四)、居住证持有人享有的基本公共服务和便利《山东省流动人口服务管理办法》规定:流动人口依法享有下列权益和公共服务:(一)公共就业服务机构提供的职业指导、职业介绍、就业失业登记、就业信息查询等服务;(二)参加社会保险,享受相应的保障;(三)国家规定的传染病防治、儿童计划免疫等基本公共卫生服务;(四)国家规定的对育龄流动人口的计划生育基本项目技术服务;(五)法律服务和法律援助;(六)按照规定参加居住地专业技术职务资格评定或者考试、职业(执业)资格考试、职业(执业)资格登记;(七)居住地人民政府规定的住房保障政策;(八)居住地人民政府或者有关部门按照规定给予的表彰和奖励;(九) 其适龄子女接受学前教育、义务教育。(十)在居住地享有机动车注册登记、申领机动车驾驶证。(十一)在居住地办理出入港澳地区的商务签注手续;(十二)具有本省户籍且在居住地居住满一年的,可以在居住地申请普通护照、大陆居民往来 通行证及签注、往来港澳通行证及团队旅游签注;(十三)以“合法稳定住所”或“合法稳定就业”为条件申请常住户口。(十四)省内户籍的流动人口持居住证可以享有异地换领、补领居民身份证的便利。以上资料参考东营市政府网站,并结合自己办理的经历所写。
在广州市连续一年以上缴纳养老保险并持有广州居住证的外地户口就业人员(登记备案国家工作人员除外),就可以在广州申请办理普通护照、往来港澳通行证及各类签注、往来 通行证及各类签注(包括首次申请、换补发证件、证件失效重新申请以及证件加注)。
非办居住证不可的理由?因为不办它会对你的生活产生的影响如下: 影响一:在京学车考驾照需提供居住证自2016年10月起,持暂住证将无法报名,需提供居住证。有记者致电多家驾校咨询,均被告知“暂住证只有这两天还能用,因为车管所审核需要两三天。如果拖到十一长假之后,就没办法了。”这可是真的啊,暂住证将成为历史,在京学车考驾照需提供居住证也就理所当然了。 影响二:北京异地补换身份证需提供居住证北京全面启动与各省区市办理居民身份证异地受理工作。第一批已经启动的有天津、河北、福建、广东、上海、江苏、江西、海南、陕西、湖北等10个省市外,第二批又启动了河南、山东、黑龙江、安徽、山西、四川、辽宁、吉林、甘肃、湖南、浙江、重庆、贵州、云南、宁夏、青海等16省区市户籍群众在京办理居民身份证异地受理。依照公安部门规定,办理居民身份证异地受理,须申请人本人到受理窗口现场办理,申请人须提供北京市核发的本人有效期内的暂住证或工作居住证。换领证件的还需提供原居民身份证。如今,暂住证已经被居住证代替,补换身份证也就需提供居住证了。影响三:出入境办理护照需提供居住证据出入境网站介绍,非本市户籍人员办理护照,须提交本人户口簿原件和复印件(首页、本人页及变更页)、有效期内的二代居民身份证原件和复印件(正反面)、公安机关出具的居住6个月(含)以上的证明(包括居住证、暂住证等)。那么,相关部门不再办理暂住证,居住证自然当起“老大”来啦。影响四:机动车摇号需提供居住证根据规定,非北京市户籍人员申请小客车配置指标,应持有北京市有效暂住证且连续五年(含)以上在本市缴纳社会保险和个人所得税。更有媒体报道,购车摇号申请人暂住证过期需重新申请资格。暂住证停止办理,机动车摇号需提供居住证。影响五:报名参加职业资格考试需提供居住证此前,非北京市户籍人员参加部分职业资格考试需提供暂住证,如果没有暂住证,就不能参加考试。如今,暂住证变身居住证,报名参加职业资格考试需提供居住证。影响六:办理生育服务登记需提供居住证非北京市户籍人员办理生育服务登记,由于涉及多项资源的配置,包括医院福利、孕检等方面,需要孕妇提供暂住证。如今,暂住证变身居住证,办理生育服务登记需提供居住证。影响七:孩子打疫苗需提供居住证外地户口孩子在北京打疫苗,需要非北京市户籍家长提供暂住证。相关条例规定,家长凭有效期内暂住证到所在暂住地卫生服务站为孩子打疫苗。暂住证停办后,孩子打疫苗需提供居住证。影响八:孩子入学需提供居住证北京市规定,非京籍儿童入学要求“五证”齐全,即适龄儿童少年父母或其他法定监护人本人在京务工就业证明、在京实际住所居住证明、全家户口簿、在京暂住证、户籍所在地街道办事处或乡镇人民政府出具的在当地没有监护条件的证明等。暂住证变身居住证后,孩子入学需提供居住证。有效期以内的暂住证可以继续使用。影响九:老年人优待卡办理需提供居住证在京居住6个月以上的非京籍老人,可持暂住证材料到相应居(村)委会办理《北京市老年人优待卡(证)》,凭该证件可与本地户籍老人同等享受9项优待政策,包括65岁及以上老人可免费乘公交、逛公园等。如今,暂住证“失效”,老年人优待卡办理需供居住证。影响十:众多权利服务需提供居住证权利方面,包括在京依法享受劳动就业、参加社会保险以及缴存、提取、使用住房公积金三项。基本公共服务方面,包括义务教育、基本公共就业服务、公共文化体育服务、基本公共卫生服务和计划生育服务、法律援助和其他法律服务以及国家规定的其他基本公共服务六项。 总之,如果不办居住证,很多福利都与你e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333365653330无缘 办理《居住证》条件:持有《暂住证》在有效期内且已满6个月,满足“在京居住6个月以上”规定,且符合在京有合法稳定就业、合法稳定住所、连续就读条件之一,可以申领《居住证》。既然居住证如此重要,那么,申领居住证还有哪些常识与步骤需要搞懂的呢?申领条件:居住6个月以上,就业、住所、就读三选一申领《北京市居住证》,需满足在京居住6个月以上。此外,还需至少满足合法稳定就业、合法稳定住所以及连续就读三个条件中的一个! 暂住证已停止办理,申领居住证应如何证明已经在京居住达半年?在有效期内且办理达半年的暂住证可申领居住证。此前没有办理过暂住证者,可在全市流动人口管理站办理暂住登记、领取居住登记卡,半年后可申领居住证。在北京工作达半年者,可凭纳税、社保证明申领居住证。在北京买房达半年者,可凭房产证等有效证件申领居住证。 申领地址:居住地公安派出所来京人员应当按照国务院公安部门的规定到居住地公安派出所或者公安机关委托的来京人员社区登记服务机构申报暂住登记。《北京市居住证》由市公安机关统一制作。首次申领《北京市居住证》,免收证件工本费;换领、补领《北京市居住证》,应当缴纳证件工本费。材料:身份证+证件照+居住时间证明申领《北京市居住证》时,个人需要携带有效身份证件、本人近期免冠照片以及居住时间证明。此外,需要提供就业证明、住所证明以及就读证明中的至少一份材料。 流程:最快15天就能拿到居住证一般情况下,从受理当天算起,15天内申请人就能领到《北京市居住证》,因法定原因需要对本条第二款规定的时限延长的,制发《北京市居住证》的时间最长也不得超过30日。申领的具体流程如下:此外,首次申领《北京市居住证》,免收证件工本费;换领、补领《北京市居住证》,应当缴纳证件工本费 代领:特殊人员可由他人代申领未满16周岁的未成年人、老年人、残疾人可由其监护人以及近亲属代为申领《北京市居住证》,具体需要的材料如下:有效期:居住证每年签注1次《北京市居住证》实行年度签注制度,每年签注1次。办理签注手续不得收取费用。《北京市居住证》持有人拟在京连续居住的,应当在居住每满1年之日前1个月内,向居住地公安派出所或者公安机关委托的来京人员社区登记服务机构提交能够证明其符合本办法第七条规定条件的有关材料,申请办理签注手续。附:北京市居住证服务平台的网点查询地址:网页链接北京市居住证服务平台如果觉得介绍的还有不全的,也可以登录上面的北京市居住证服务平台直接询问并办理!!
#2018年5月广州市来穗人员管理服务局#可以网申了非办不可的理由:持有广州居住证可享受哪些便利和公共服务呢?一个视频助您了解诸多福利网页链接1.入户广州申请积分制入户的朋友都知道,居住证的影响有多大,拼医保时长同等的情况下,接下来就是要拼居住证时长了,居住年限越长,谁或许能跻身成为下一个“新广州人”,关系到入户的问题,所以不能小觑居住证的影响。2.随迁子女可入读义务教育公办学校来穗人员随迁子女可就读我市公办学校,也是需要满一定的居住证年限,才能由教育区统筹安排学位给您的孩子就读。孩子的教学问题也是以居住证为主要依据。3.申请公租房对于收入不太高且不稳定的外来务工人员或是刚出来社会工作的毕业生,申请公租房似乎很大程度上为我们解决了暂时买不起比较好的楼房问题。想636f70797a6431333365653330申请价格低环境好地理位置优越的公租房也是需要居住证。4.申请机动车驾驶证在广州凭着居住证,外地人也能考驾照了;曾浪费时间精力往老家-广州两地跑的你应该是深有体会吧。5.办理出入境证件虽然上年就已经出台凡在奥港澳大湾区9市高等院校就读的外省户籍大学生以及年满60周岁或未满16周岁的子女无须居住证就可以就近办理相关出入境证件的政策。不过不满足此条件的外地人想在广州申办港澳通行证、再次签注、往来 通行证及各类签注以及办理普通护照等服务时,也是需要居住证的。
非广州市户籍的朋友想要申请广州车牌,必须持有有效期内的居住证喔。6.居民身份证异地换领和丢失补领全国(大陆地区)除广西、内蒙古、新疆、 等使用双语居民身份证地区以外,其余省份户籍居民均可在凭居住证在广州市公安局申请换领和补领居民身份证。6.卫生计生服务一些符合生育政策且计划生育的非广州户籍的夫妇,双方若持有广州居住证,可享免费婚检和孕前优生健康检查新政策。7.就业创业技能培训
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Cambridge (University of Cambridge), referred to Cambridge, is a located in Cambridge, UK's top research universities in the world. Founded in 1209, it is also the world's second oldest
剑桥大学e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333337386536(University of Cambridge),
English university. Cambridge and Oxford collectively referred to as "Oxbridge" (Oxbridge), in addition to the two universities collaborate on culture and reality have become part of British social history, the two universities have long been competing. And often and Oxford universities compete for the best of the UK's reputation.
Cambridge is one of the world's most prominent universities, the federal University College, there are currently 31 colleges, and various academic departments were included in the six main academic college. It is also a member of numerous academic alliances, but also the UK a prestigious Golden Triangle. Which is also the birth of the most Nobel Prize winners of higher learning, a total of 90 Nobel laureates are or have been studying or working in Cambridge.
剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),简称剑桥,是一所位于英国剑桥市的世界顶级研究型大学。始创于1209年,亦是英语世界里第二古老的大学。剑桥大学和牛津大学合称为“牛剑”(Oxbridge),除了两所大学在文化和现实上的协作已成为英国社会史的一部分外,两所大学长久以来一直存在竞争。并经常和牛津大学争夺全英最佳学府的声誉。
英国著名景点中英文:1.爱丁堡爱丁堡(Edinburgh)是英国著名的文化古城、苏格兰首府,位于苏格兰中部低地的福斯湾的南岸。面积260km²。1329年建市,1437-1707年为苏格兰王国首都。造纸和印刷出版业历史悠久,造船、化工、核能、电子、电缆、玻璃和食品等工业也重要。随着北海油田的开发,又建立一系列相关工业与服务业。重要的运输枢纽,e69da5e6ba907a6431333365653166航空港。自15世纪以来爱丁堡就被当做苏格兰首府,但在1603年和1707年政治力量多次南移到伦敦。1999年苏格兰议会的自治权利才得以确立。苏格兰国家博物馆、苏格兰国家图书馆和苏格兰国家画廊等重要文化机构也位于爱丁堡。在经济上,现在的爱丁堡主要依靠金融业,是伦敦以外英国最大的金融中心。爱丁堡有着悠久的历史,许多历史建筑亦完好保存下来。爱丁堡城堡、荷里路德宫、圣吉尔斯大教堂等名胜都位于此地。爱丁堡的旧城和新城一起被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。2004年爱丁堡成为世界第一座文学之城。爱丁堡的教育也很发达,英国最古老的大学之一爱丁堡大学就坐落于此,现在还是世界顶尖名校。全球权威世界大学排名QS2015年把爱丁堡大学排名世界17位,位列苏格兰地区第一名。加上爱丁堡国际艺术节等文化活动,爱丁堡成为了 [1] 仅次于伦敦的第二大旅游城市。翻译:Edinburgh (Edinburgh) is a famous British cultural city and capital of Scotland, located on the southern shore of the FOS Bay in the lowlands of central Scotland. The area is 260km. It was built in 1329 and the capital of the kingdom of Scotland in 1437-1707 years. Papermaking and printing industry have a long history. Shipbuilding, chemical industry, nuclear power, electronics, cables, glass and food industries are also important. With the development of Beihai oilfield, a series of related industries and services have been established. Important transport hub, airport.Edinburgh has been regarded as the capital of Scotland since fifteenth Century, but in 1603 and 1707, political forces moved south to London several times. In 1999, the autonomy of the Scotland Parliament was established. Scotland, National Museum, Scotland National Library and Scotland National Gallery are also important cultural institutions in Edinburgh. Economically, Edinburgh now relies heavily on finance, the largest financial centre outside London.Edinburgh has a long history and many historical buildings are well preserved. Edinburgh Castle, Hollywood palace, St. Giles's Cathedral and other places of interest are located here. Edinburgh's old city and new town are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. In 2004, Edinburgh became the first city of literature in the world. Education in Edinburgh is also well developed. University of Edinburgh, one of the oldest universities in the UK, is now located in the world's leading schools. The world authoritative World University ranked QS2015 in, ranking 17 in the world, ranking first in Scotland. With the Edinburgh International Arts Festival and other cultural activities, Edinburgh has become the second largest tourist city after London.2.伦敦塔伦敦塔(Tower of London),是英国伦敦一座标志性的宫殿、要塞,选址在泰晤士河。詹姆士一世(1566-1625)是将其作为宫殿居住的最后一位统治者。伦敦塔曾作为堡垒、军械库、国库、铸币厂、宫殿、天文台、避难所和监狱,特别关押上层阶级的囚犯,最后一次作为监狱使用是在第二次世界大战期间。1988年被列为世界文化遗产。 翻译:Tower of London (Tower of London) is a landmark palace and fortress in London, England, and is located in Thames River.James Thi (1566-1625) regarded it as the last ruler of the palace.Tower of London was a fortress, an armory, a treasury, a mint, a palace, a Observatory, a refuge and a prison, especially a prisoner of the upper class. The last time he was used as a prison was during the Second World War.In 1988, it was listed as the world cultural heritage.3.剑桥大学剑桥位于伦敦北面50里以外的剑桥郡。剑桥郡本身是一个拥有大约10万居民的英格兰小镇。这个小镇有一条河流穿过,称为“剑河”(River Cam 又译“康河”)。剑河是一条南北走向、曲折前行的小河,剑河上架设着许多桥梁,其中以数学桥、格蕾桥和叹息桥最为著名,剑桥之名由此而来。剑桥大学本身没有一个指定的校园,没有围墙,也没有校牌。绝大多数的学院、研究所、图书馆和实验室都建在剑桥镇的剑河两岸,以及镇内的不同地点。剑桥的公路和铁路都十分健全,到伦敦主要机场也很近。翻译:Cambridge is located in the county of Cambridge, 50 miles north of London. Cambridge County itself is a small town of England with about 100 thousand inhabitants. There is a river across the town called River, which is called "Jianhe River(translated by River Cam). Jianhe is a north-south direction, twists and turns of the river, Jianhe set up a number of bridges, which are the most famous mathematical bridge, green bridge and sigh bridge, the name of Cambridge come from this. University of Cambridge itself does not have a designated campus, no walls, no school cards. The vast majority of colleges, research institutes, libraries and laboratories are built on both sides of the town of Jianhe and in different locations in the town. The roads and railways in Cambridge are very sound and are very close to the main airports in London.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about 3.2 kilometres (2.0 mi) west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones and sits at the centre of the densest complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.[1] Archaeologists had believed that the iconic stone monument was erected around 2500 BC, as described in the chronology below. However one recent theory has suggested that the first stones were not erected until 2400-2200 BC,[2] whilst another suggests that bluestones may have been erected at the site as early as 3000 BC (see phase 1 below). The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 in a co-listing with Avebury henge monument, and it is also a legally protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge itself is owned by the Crown and managed by English Heritage while the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust.[3][4]
New archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project indicates that Stonehenge served as a burial ground from its earliest beginnings.[5] The dating of cremated remains found on the site shows that burials took place there as early as 3000 BC, when the first ditches were being constructed around the monument. Burials continued at Stonehenge for at least another 500 years.[6]
The Oxford English Dictionary cites Ælfric's 10th century glossary, where henge-cliff is given the meaning "precipice", a hanging or supported stone, thus the stanenges or Stanheng ("not far from Salisbury") recorded by 11th century writers are "supported stones". William Stukeley in 1740 notes that "Pendulous rocks are now called henges in Yorkshire...I doubt not, Stonehenge in Saxon signifies the hanging stones."[7] Christopher Chippindale's Stonehenge Complete gives the derivation of the name Stonehenge as coming from the Old English words "stān" meaning "stone", and either "hencg" meaning "hinge" (because the stone lintels hinge on the upright stones) or "hen(c)en" meaning "hang" or "gallows" or "instrument of torture". Medieval gallows consisted of two uprights with a lintel joining them, resembling Stonehenge's trilithons, rather than looking like the inverted L-shape more familiar today.
The "henge" portion has given its name to a class of monuments known as henges.[7] Archaeologists define henges as earthworks consisting of a circular banked enclosure with an internal ditch.[8] As often happens in archaeological terminology, this is a holdover from antiquarian usage, and Stonehenge is not truly a henge site as its bank is inside its ditch. Despite being contemporary with true Neolithic henges and stone circles, Stonehenge is in many ways atypical. For example, its extant trilithons make it unique. Stonehenge is only distantly related to the other stone circles in the British Isles, such as the Ring of Brodgar.[citation needed]
Plan of Stonehenge in 2004. After Cleal et al. and Pitts. Italicised numbers in the text refer to the labels on this plan. Trilithon lintels omitted for clarity. Holes that no longer, or never, contained stones are shown as open circles. Stones visible today are shown colouredMike Parker Pearson, leader of the Stonehenge Riverside Project, noted that Stonehenge was associated with burial from the earliest period of its existence:
Stonehenge was a place of burial from its beginning to its zenith in the mid third millennium B.C. The cremation burial dating to Stonehenge's sarsen stones phase is likely just one of many from this later period of the monument's use and demonstrates that it was still very much a domain of the dead.[6]
—e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333239303137 Mike Parker Pearson
Stonehenge itself evolved in several construction phases spanning at least 1500 years. There is, however, evidence of large scale construction on and around the monument that perhaps extends the landscape's time frame to 6500 years.
It is widely assumed that Stonehenge once stood as a magnificent "complete" monument, although this cannot be proved as around half of the stones that should be present are missing, and many of the assumed stone sockets have never been found. Dating and understanding the various phases of activity is complicated by disturbance of the natural chalk by periglacial effects and animal burrowing, poor quality early excavation records, and a lack of accurate, scientifically verified dates. The modern phasing most generally agreed by archaeologists is detailed below. Features mentioned in the text are numbered and shown on the plan, right.
Before the monument (8000 BC forward)
Archaeologists have found four, or possibly five, large Mesolithic postholes (one may have been a natural tree throw), which date to around 8000 BC, beneath the modern tourist car-park nearby. These held pine posts around 0.75 metres (2 ft 6 in) in diameter which were erected and eventually rotted in situ. Three of the posts (and possibly four) were in an east-west alignment which may have had ritual significance; no parallels are known from Britain at the time but similar sites have been found in Scandinavia. At this time, Salisbury Plain was still wooded but four thousand years later, during the earlier Neolithic, a causewayed enclosure at Robin Hood's Ball and long barrow tombs were built in the surrounding landscape. In approximately 3500 BC a large cursus monument was built 700 metres (2,300 ft) north of the site as the first farmers began to clear the trees and exploit the area.
The sun rising over Stonehenge on the summer solstice on 21 June 2005Main article: Recent history of Stonehenge
Stonehenge has changed ownership several times since King Henry VIII acquired Amesbury Abbey and its surrounding lands. In 1540 Henry gave the estate to the Earl of Hertford. It subsequently passed to Lord Carleton and then the Marquis of Queensbury. The Antrobus family of Cheshire bought the estate in 1824. During World War I an aerodrome had been built on the downs just to the west of the circle and, in the dry valley at Stonehenge Bottom, a main road junction had been built, along with several cottages and a cafe. The Antrobus family sold the site after their last heir was killed serving in France during the First World War. The auction by Knight Frank & Rutley estate agents in Salisbury was held on 21 September 1915 and included "Lot 15. Stonehenge with about 30 acres, 2 rods, 37 perches of adjoining downland." [c. 12.4365 ha][14] Cecil Chubb bought the site for £6,600 and gave it to the nation three years later. Although it has been speculated that he purchased it at the suggestion of — or even as a present for — his wife, he, in fact, bought it on a whim as he believed a local man should be the new owner.
In the late 1920s a nation-wide appeal was launched to save Stonehenge from the encroachment of the modern buildings that had begun to appear around it. In 1928 the land around the monument was purchased with the appeal donations, and given to the National Trust in order to preserve it. The buildings were removed (although the roads were not), and the land returned to agriculture. More recently the land has been part of a grassland reversion scheme, returning the surrounding fields to native chalk grassland.
Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north-eastern end of the Palace of Westminster in London,[1] and is often extended to refer to the clock or the clock tower as well.[2] Big Ben is the largest four-faced chiming clock and the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world.[3] It celebrated its 150th anniversary in May 2009 (the clock itself first ticking on 31 May),[4] during which celebratory events took place.[5]
The nearest London Underground station is Westminster on the Circle, District and Jubilee lines.
A clock tower was built at Westminster in 1288, with the fine-money of Ralph Hengham, Chief Justice of the King's Bench.[6][7]
The present tower was raised as a part of Charles Barry's design for a new palace, after the old Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire on the night of 22 October 1834.
The new Parliament was built in a Neo-gothic style. Although Barry was the chief architect of the Palace, he turned to Augustus Pugin for the design of the clock tower, which resembles earlier Pugin designs, including one for Scarisbrick Hall. The design for the Clock Tower was Pugin's last design before his final descent into madness and death, and Pugin himself wrote, at the time of Barry's last visit to him to collect the drawings: "I never worked so hard in my life for Mr Barry for tomorrow I render all the designs for finishing his bell tower & it is beautiful."[8] The tower is designed in Pugin's celebrated Gothic Revival style, and is 96.3 metres (315.9 ft) high (roughly 16 stories).[9]
Monochrome image of Big ben with the cloudsThe bottom 61 metres (200 ft) of the Clock Tower's structure consists of brickwork with sand coloured Anston limestone cladding. The remainder of the tower's height is a framed spire of cast iron. The tower is founded on a 15-metre (49 ft) square raft, made of 3-metre (9.8 ft) thick concrete, at a depth of 4 metres (13 ft) below ground level. The four clock faces are 55 metres (180 ft) above ground. The interior volume of the tower is 4,650 cubic metres (164,200 cubic feet).
Despite being one of the world's most famous tourist attractions, the interior of the tower is not open to the general public due to security concerns,[9] although from time to time press and other VIPs are granted access. However, the tower has no elevator, so those escorted must climb the 334 limestone stairs to the top.[9]
Because of changes in ground conditions since construction (notably tunnelling for the Jubilee Line extension), the tower leans slightly to the north-west, by roughly 220 millimetres (8.66 in) at the clock face, giving an inclination of approximately 1/250.[10][11] Due to thermal effects it oscillates annually by a few millimetres east and west.
The clock faces are large enough to have once allowed the Clock Tower to be the largest four-faced clock in the world, but have since been outdone by the Allen-Bradley Clock Tower in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. However, the builders of the Allen-Bradley Clock Tower did not add chimes to the clock, so the Great Clock of Westminster still holds the title of the "world's largest four-faced chiming clock".
The face of the Great Clock of Westminster. The hour hand is 2.7 metres (9 ft) long and the minute hand is 4.3 metres (14 ft) long.The clock and dials were designed by Augustus Pugin. The clock faces are set in an iron frame 7 metres (23 ft) in diameter, supporting 312 pieces of opal glass, rather like a stained-glass window. Some of the glass pieces may be removed for inspection of the hands. The surround of the dials is gilded. At the base of each clock face in gilt letters is the Latin inscription:
Which means O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First.
The Clock Tower at dusk, with The London Eye in the backgroundThe clock is famous for its reliability. The designers were the lawyer and amateur horologist Edmund Beckett Denison, and George Airy, the Astronomer Royal. Construction was entrusted to clockmaker Edward John Dent, who completed the work in 1854. As the Tower was not complete until 1859, Denison had time to experiment: Instead of using the deadbeat escapement and remontoire as originally designed, Denison invented the double three-legged gravity escapement. This escapement provides the best separation between pendulum and clock mechanism. The pendulum is installed within an enclosed windproof box sunk beneath the clockroom. It is 3.9m long, weighs 300 kg and beats every 2 seconds. The clockwork mechanism in a room below weighs 5 tons.
The idiom of putting a penny on, with the meaning of slowing down, sprang from the method of fine-tuning the clock's pendulum.[12] On top of the pendulum is a small stack of old penny coins; these are to adjust the time of the clock. Adding or subtracting coins has the effect of minutely altering the position of the pendulum's centre of mass, the effective length of the pendulum rod and hence the rate at which the pendulum swings. Adding or removing a penny will change the clock's speed by 0.4 second per day.
During The Blitz, the Palace of Westminster was hit by German bombing, on 10 May 1941, a bombing raid damaged two of the clockfaces and sections of the tower's stepped roof and destroyed the House of Commons chamber. Architect Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed a new five-floor block. Two floors are occupied by the current chamber which was used for the first time on 26 October 1950. Despite the heavy bombing the clock ran accurately and chimed throughout the Blitz.
Malfunctions, breakdowns, and other outages
1916: for two years during World War I, the bells were silenced and the clock face darkened at night to prevent attack by German Zeppelin.[9]
Sept. 1, 1939: although the bells continued to ring, the clock faces were darkened at night through World War II to prevent guiding Blitz pilots.[9]
New Year's Eve 1962: The clock slowed due to heavy snow and ice on the long hands, causing the pendulum to detach from the clockwork, as it is designed to do in such circumstances, to avoid serious damage elsewhere in the mechanism—the pendulum continuing to swing freely. Thus it chimed in the new year 10 minutes late.[13]
5 August 1976: First and only major breakdown. The speed regulator of the chiming mechanism finally broke after 100+ years of torsional fatigue, then the fully-wound 4 ton weights dumped their entire potential energy into the chiming mechanism in one go. It caused a great deal of damage; the Great Clock was shut down for a total of 26 days over nine months - it was reactivated on 9 May 1977; this was its longest break in operation since it was built. During this time BBC Radio 4 had to make do with the pips.[14]
27 May 2005: the clock stopped at 10:07 pm local time, possibly due to hot weather (temperatures in London had reached an unseasonal 31.8 °C (90 °F)). It restarted, but stopped again at 10:20 pm local time and remained still for about 90 minutes before restarting.[15]
29 October 2005: the mechanism was stopped for about 33 hours so the clock and its chimes could be worked on. It was the lengthiest maintenance shutdown in 22 years.[16]
The south clock face being cleaned on 11 August 20077:00 am 5 June 2006: The clock tower's "Quarter Bells" were taken out of commission for four weeks [17] as a bearing holding one of the quarter bells was damaged from years of wear and needed to be removed for repairs. During this period, BBC Radio 4 broadcast recordings of British bird song followed by the pips in place of the usual chimes.[18]
11 August 2007: Start of 6-week stoppage for maintenance. Bearings in the clock's drive train and the "great bell" striker were replaced, for the first time since installation.[19] During the maintenance works, the clock was not driven by the original mechanism, but by an electric motor.[20] Once again, BBC Radio 4 had to make do with the pips during this time.
Great Bell
The main bell, officially known as the Great Bell, is the largest bell in the tower and part of the Great Clock of Westminster. The bell is better known by the nickname Big Ben.[21]
The original bell was a 16.3-tonne (16 ton) hour bell, cast on 6 August 1856 in Stockton-on-Tees by John Warner & Sons.[1] The bell was never officially named, but the legend on it records that the commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, was responsible for the order. Another theory for the origin of the name is that the bell may have been named after a contemporary heavyweight boxer Benjamin Caunt. It is thought that the bell was originally to be called Victoria or Royal Victoria in honour of Queen Victoria,[22] but that an MP suggested the nickname during a Parliamentary debate; the comment is not recorded in Hansard.
Since the tower was not yet finished, the bell was mounted in New Palace Yard. Cast in 1856, the first bell was transported to the tower on a trolley drawn by sixteen horses, with crowds cheering its progress. Unfortunately, it cracked beyond repair while being tested and a replacement had to be made. The bell was recast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry as a 13.76-tonne (13½ ton) bell.[23] This was pulled 200ft up to the Clock Tower’s belfry, a feat that took 18 hours. It is 2.2 metres tall and 2.9 metres wide. This new bell first chimed in July 1859. In September it too cracked under the hammer, a mere two months after it officially went into service. According to the foundry's manager, George Mears, Denison had used a hammer more than twice the maximum weight specified.[1] For three years Big Ben was taken out of commission and the hours were struck on the lowest of the quarter bells until it was reinstalled. To make the repair, a square piece of metal was chipped out from the rim around the crack, and the bell given an eighth of a turn so the new hammer struck in a different place.[1] Big Ben has chimed with an odd twang ever since and is still in use today complete with the crack. At the time of its casting, Big Ben was the largest bell in the British Isles until "Great Paul", a 17 tonne (16¾ ton) bell currently hung in St. Paul's Cathedral, was cast in 1881.[24]
The clock has become a symbol of the United Kingdom and London, particularly in the visual media. When a television or film-maker wishes to indicate a generic location in Britain, a popular way to do so is to show an image of the Clock Tower, often with a red double-decker bus or black cab in the foreground.[34] The sound of the clock chiming has also been used this way in audio media, but as the Westminster Quarters are heard from other clocks and other devices, the unique nature of this sound has been considerably diluted.
The Clock Tower is a focus of New Year celebrations in the United Kingdom, with radio and TV stations tuning to its chimes to welcome the start of the year. Similarly, on Remembrance Day, the chimes of Big Ben are broadcast to mark the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and the start of two minutes' silence.
ITN's News at Ten opening sequence features an image of the Clock Tower with the sound of Big Ben's chimes punctuating the announcement of the news headlines, and has done so on and off for the last 41 years. The Big Ben chimes (known within ITN as "The Bongs") continue to be used during the headlines and all ITV News bulletins use a graphic based on the Westminster clock face. Big Ben can also be heard striking the hour before some news bulletins on BBC Radio 4 (6 pm and midnight, plus 10 pm on Sundays) and the BBC World Service, a practice that began on 31 December 1923. The sound of the chimes are sent in real time from a microphone permanently installed in the tower and connected by line to Broadcasting House.
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The University of Bristol is a university in Bristol, England. It received its Royal Charter in 1909, although its predecessor institution, University College, Bristol, had been in existence since 1876. It is one of the original "red brick" universities.Bristol ranks as one of the top 10 universities in the United Kingdom according to most published league tables and receives more applications than any other British University. The University has an annual turnover of £260m and is the largest independent employer in Bristol.
The University was preceded by University College, Bristol, founded in 1876, where its first lecture was attended by only 99 students. The University was able to apply for a Royal Charter due to the financial support of the Wills and Fry families, who made their fortunes in tobacco plantations and chocolate, respectively. Although the Wills Family made huge sums of money from the slave-produced plantations, they later became abolitionists who gave their money to the city of Bristol. The Royal Charter was gained in May 1909, with 288 undergraduates and 400 other students entering the University in October 1909. Henry Overton Wills III became its first chancellor.The University College was the first such institution in the country to admit women on the same basis as men. However, women were forbidden to take examinations in medicine until 1906.
League tables generally place Bristol within the top ten universities in the United Kingdom. The 2008 University League Table published by The Times placed Bristol 8th, The Sunday Times placed Bristol 10th and The Good University Guide placed Bristol 7th.Internationally, The Times Higher Education Supplement placed Bristol 64th in the world in 2006 and 37th in 2007. Another international ranking, the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Academic Ranking of World Universities, placed Bristol 62nd globally in 2007. According to data published in The Telegraph Bristol has the third-highest percentage of 'good honours' of any UK university, behind Oxford and Cambridge.
In addition, the following courses offered by University of Bristol, managed to reach top 5 in the Times ranking (2008): Computer Science(3-rd), Electrical and Electronic Engineering(3-rd), Civil Engineering(5-th), Biological Sciences(3-rd), Mathematics (3-rd), Psychology (4-th).
In addition, Bristol is particularly strong in the field of social sciences, particularly in Economics, Finance and Management, and was recently rated 4th in the 2008 Guardian University Guide for Business and Management Studies.
Bristol is also known for its research strength, having 15 departments gaining the top grade of 5* in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. Overall, 36 out of 46 departments rated gained the top two ratings of 5 or 5*, and 76% of all the academic staff working in departments scored these top two levels. In terms of teaching strength, Bristol had an average Teaching Quality Assessment score of 22.05/24 before the TQA was abolished. For admission in October 2005, Bristol reported an average of 10.8 applications per place with the average A-level score on admission being 436.4. That year, Bristol's drop-out rate was 2.2% compared to the benchmark set by HEFCE of no more than 3.1%
The University is a member of the Russell Group, European-wide Coimbra Group and the Worldwide Universities Network, of which the University's Vice-Chancellor Prof Eric Thomas is the current Chair.The most recent Research Assessment Exercise gave 15 departments a 5* rating.Bristol has around 23,000 students and is one of two universities in Bristol, the other being the more recently established University of the West of England. The University has gained press attention for its high private school intake and the 2003 dispute over its admissions system.
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