美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题
发布:2019-02-02 05:43:58 分类:问答精选 点击:1477 作者:环俄小编
美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题,1. 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题签证三大原则: 是否是学生身份。 是否有稳定的资金支撑 无移民倾向基本所有签证类问题都是围绕这几个方向展开的,准备好相关细节问题再加上良好的口语水平应该就没什么问题。2. 美国学生签证时会被签证官问到什么问题?面签是踏出国门前的最后一步了,祝贺你^^1.一般面试官会问你的材料的相
本文标题:美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题,在当今社会,留学已经成为了大家深造的首选方式。无论是本科生、硕博研究生,甚至是中小学生,都想尽早地接收西方发达国家的留学教育,其中很多同学十分关注“美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题”相关的问题,为此环俄小编整理了《美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题》,欢迎您阅读!若有任何疑问,欢迎您随时联系我们的在线顾问,我们会为您进行专业的1对1答疑!
1. 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题
2. 美国学生签证时会被签证官问到什么问题?
3. 美国留学签证时的问题请给我这些英文的答案,谢谢!
What is your name and your purpose for this interview?
M, 小明, I'm here to apply Student VISA for going to United States.
2.What type of visa do you need?
3.Have you applied for a visa to another country?
4.Have you ever been refused visa?
Motivation of study abroad?
I would prefer to have a look at the outside world and head on more chanllenges of my study
Why do you want to go to USA?
United States definetly has the best education system and helps its students to develp all kinds of necessary skills for making them competitive in the future. BTW, Itls also a very nice country just like China.
2.What will you do in USA?
Going to School, attending classes and graduating is my priority for sure. Besides, the College I applied has tons of interesting clubs as they mentioned on there website. I would like to join them and gain some fun experience there.
3.What degree will you pursue in America?
4.Do you have any relatives in USA?
Unfortunately I don't, so I guess I have to cook my faviroute Chinese dishes myself.
Do you have any Chinese dishes that you like? (Optional)
5.What is your major?
6.What school will you go to and why choose this school?
大纽约纽约喇叭沟门儿帝国大学 and Yale University are two from my list that I applied for.
Both of them have the best Engineering schools and the greatest Professors.
Like Professor 孙悟空 at 大纽约纽约喇叭沟门儿帝国大学, his research field of 天宫啥样 is well know in his field and his papers were published on 人民日报,北京晚报等世界一流科技杂志。
7.How do you know your school? (Description of this university)
I 'baidued' tons of them and found out that 大纽约纽约喇叭沟门儿帝国大学
8.How long will you stay in USA?
for about 2 years, As soon as I finished my study there.
9.What about you previous study?
1.How much is your tuition fee (or total expenses)?
Tell him / her the expected amount you could find on your University / College admission websites
2.Where does the money come from?
My parenents support me most of it, I also worked as a intern and saved some.
3.What is your parents’ income?
4.What is your parents’ job?
Depends (Except 坑蒙拐骗,煎炒烹炸,刀枪剑戟,斧钺钩叉)
5.Do you have house property ownership certificate or real estate certificate?
Yes, I do, They should have all the documents in hand by that time or simply hand over them
Study plan?
register some classes / lectures you are interesting in.
Starting doing final project after 1year of arriving there.
1.What is your future plan?
Come back to China and start my own business.
2.What will you do after graduation?
Come back to China and start my own business.
3.Give me a future plan for the coming fives years.
Come back to China and be a boss of my own business.
结语:亲爱的准留学生们,以上便是环俄小编为您整理的《美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题》一文,感谢您的阅读。若您仍然没有找到所需要的信息,请随时联系我们的在线顾问获取最专业、最准确的一对一答疑咨询,不仅可以为您节省宝贵的时间,也能有效避免因遗漏信息而与心仪的高校失之交臂,环俄留学祝您留学事宜一切顺利!
版权声明:本文标题《美国留学面签问题 - 到美国留学签证会问道什么问题》,网页地址(https://www.huane.net/zhidao/45326),素材来自互联网并不代表本网观点,如果本网转载的稿件涉及您的版权请发邮件至info@huane.net,我们将第一时间依照国家相关法律法规妥善处理。
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