
美国哈佛大学英文介绍要带中文翻译,一、美国哈佛大学英文介绍要带中文翻译The Early History of Harvard UniversityHarvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is the oldest institution of higher



The Early History of Harvard University

Harvard University, which celebrated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals.

Seven presidents of the United States – John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W. Bush – were graduates of Harvard. Its faculty have produced more than 40 Nobel laureates.

Harvard College was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution. Harvard's first scholarship fund was created in 1643 with a gift from Ann Radcliffe, Lady Mowlson.

During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. Although many of its early graduates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England, the College was never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination. An early brochure, published in 1643, justified the College's existence: "To advance Learning and perpetuate it to Posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate Ministry to the Churches."




Harvard University

Harvard University, private, coeducational institution of higher education, the oldest in the United States, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


In 1636 a college was founded in Cambridge by the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was opened for instruction two years later and named in 1639 for English clergyman John Harvard, its first benefactor. The college at first lacked substantial endowments and existed on gifts from individuals and the General Court. Harvard gradually acquired considerable autonomy and private financial support, becoming a chartered university in 1780. Today it has the largest private endowment of any university in the world.

Harvard has steadily developed under the great American educators who have successively served as its presidents. During the presidency of Charles W. Eliot (1869-1909), Harvard established an elective system for undergraduates, by which they could choose most of their courses themselves. Under Abbott L. Lowell, who was president from 1909 to 1933, the undergraduate house systems of residence and instruction were introduced. Academic growth and physical expansion continued during the tenures of James B. Conant (1933-1953), Nathan M. Pusey (1953-1971), and Derek C. Bok (1971-1991). Neil L. Rudenstine was appointed president in 1991.

Sponsored by Henry Rosovsky, former dean of the faculty of arts and sciences (1973-1984), the undergraduate elective system, or General Education Program, was replaced in 1979 by a Core Curriculum intended to prepare well-educated men and women for the challenges of modern life. Students are now required to take courses for the equivalent of an academic year in each of five areas: literature and arts, history, social analysis and moral reasoning, science, and foreign cultures. In addition to the new curriculum, students must spend roughly the equivalent of two years on courses in a field of concentration and one year on elective courses. Students must also demonstrate competence in writing, mathematics, and a foreign language.

From its earliest days Harvard established and maintained a tradition of academic excellence and the training of citizens for national public service. Among many notable alumni are the religious leaders Increase Mather and Cotton Mather; the philosopher and psychologist William James; and men of letters such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Robert Frost, and T. S. Eliot. More U.S. presidents have attended Harvard than any other college: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. A sixth, Rutherford B. Hayes, was a graduate of Harvard Law School, which also counts the jurists Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and Felix Frankfurter among its alumni.

Harvard University is governed by a corporation (the oldest corporation in the United States) known as the President and Fellows of Harvard College. The corporation consults with a 30-member Board of Overseers elected by the alumni.


Harvard College, the university’s oldest division, offers undergraduate courses for men and women, leading to a bachelor of arts degree granted by the university. Beginning in 1963, graduates of Radcliffe College, the affiliated undergraduate institution for women, received Harvard degrees with the Radcliffe seal and countersigned by the president of Radcliffe. In the 1970s, Harvard abolished the quota limiting the number of women students, and a joint Harvard and Radcliffe Admissions Office began selecting students on an equal basis. In 1999 Harvard fully absorbed Radcliffe and created the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, which focuses on the study of women and gender. With admission criteria ranking among the most selective in the United States, Harvard accepts less than 20 percent of all applicants; three-fourths of those accepted actually enroll.

During their freshman year, students live in halls within Harvard Yard, a walled enclosure containing several structures from the early 18th century now used as dormitories, dining facilities, libraries, and classrooms. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors live in the 12 residences known as houses. Named in honor of a distinguished alumnus or administrator, each house accommodates approximately 350 students and a group of faculty members who provide individual instruction as tutors, fostering social and intellectual exchange between students and teachers. Each house also has a library and sponsors cultural activities and intramural athletics. Undergraduate life has the additional attraction of proximity to Boston.


Harvard’s graduate and professional facilities, founded over the last 200 years, include schools of arts and sciences, business administration, dental medicine, design, divinity, education, law, medicine, public administration (now the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government), and public health. Special studies programs are also provided at the Harvard-Yenching Institute; the John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research; the Kathryn W. and Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Russian Studies; and at the centers for Middle Eastern Studies, International Affairs, International Legal Studies, Energy and International Policy, and Health Policy Management.


The Harvard campus is also the site of several renowned museums and collections, among them the Fogg Museum, distinguished for its European and American paintings, sculptures, and prints; the Botanical Museum; and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.

Harvard’s library system is the oldest in the United States. The central library collection, used for advanced scholarly research, is housed in the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library. Augmented by the Houghton Library of rare books and manuscripts, the undergraduate Lamont, Cabot, and Hilles libraries, and the separate house and departmental libraries, as well as by the graduate schools’ collections, the Harvard library complex forms the world’s largest university library system. It currently contains more than 13 million volumes, manuscripts, and microfilms.

Harvard University also maintains the Arnold Arboretum, in Boston; the Harvard College Observatory, based in Cambridge; the research center for Byzantine and Early Christian studies at Dumbarton Oaks, in Washington, D.C.; and Villa I Tatti in Settignano, Italy, formerly the home and library of art critic Bernard Berenson and now a center for art history research.

Home games of the Harvard Crimson football team and other athletic events take place at Harvard Stadium, which has a seating capacity of more than 38,000. Yale University is Harvard’s traditional rival in sports.


Undergraduate publications include the Harvard Crimson, a daily newspaper founded in 1873; the Harvard Advocate, a literary review; and a nationally known humor magazine, the Harvard Lampoon. Among journals issued by Harvard’s graduate schools and affiliated groups are the Harvard Business Review,Harvard Educational Review, and Harvard Law Review. Harvard University Press, founded in 1913, publishes books of scholarly as well as general interest and medical and scientific works.


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官方网站的介绍About Harvard College Harvard College adheres to the purposes for which the Charter of 1650 was granted: "The advancement of all good literature, arts, and sciences; the advancement and education of youth in all m。


Ben Schwartz教授自己认可的中文名字是史华慈。他1938年毕业于哈佛大学,研究兴趣是哲学史,后来在二战中学习日文并参与破译日文密码的工作,这改变了他后来的学术生涯。后来回哈佛大学,在费正清指导下研究东亚学并获得博士学位,并留校任教,为哈佛的东亚学的发展做出了极为重要的贡献,是费正清和傅高义之间的最重要的人物。史教授写了大量的关于中国和东亚研究的著作,我有幸亲耳聆听先生的教诲,并对我的研究进行帮助。同事们都说,史教授的最大的特点就是知识面非常广播,对中国当代问题的研究建立在对中国历史的比较史学和比较思想研究的基础上,让人望尘莫及。他是美国汉学家中第一次提出红色中国与苏联非常不同的学者。
史教授的最后一次学术报告提出了一个惊人命题, 制度和市场经济是不相容的,引起轩然大波。
你好,我对这个问题也不能完全确定,但是我推测许华茨就是史华慈,音译不同而已。说一下我的依据:第一许华茨其人介绍很少,我立刻想到会不会是音译问题导致的,看了很多许华茨有关的网页,发现其基本研究在中国近代史方面,与史华慈不谋而合;第二Benjami n I .Schwartz发音与许华茨极为相似;第三都认识一个人,费正清教授;第四,网页上的一些著作相同,例如《严复与西方》,当然这仅仅是个人观点,如果你有了正确的资料也可以给我个评论,我也很感兴趣我的推测是否正确。

本杰明·史华慈(Benjami n I .Schwartz)(1916年12月21日—1999年11月14日)诞生于美国麻萨诸塞州波士顿东部一个犹太人家庭,1934年,获奖学金进入哈佛学院学习,6年后获哈佛教育学院硕士学位。二战结束之后,再进哈佛攻读博士学位,师从费正清教授。1950年,获哈佛大学博士学位,并留校在历史系和政治系任教,开设中国近代思想史讲座,1975年起任哈佛大学历史与政治学莱劳伊·B·威廉士讲座教授(Leroy B.Williams Professor of History and Political Science)。1988年退休,仍不辍学术研究。1999年11月14日,史华慈因病与世长辞,享年82岁


哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称哈佛,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。这里走出了8位美利坚合众国总统,133位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第一)、18位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第一)、13位图灵奖得主(世界第四) 曾在此工作或学习,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。







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